Package Options > Customized Substrate Options for Clients - Available Upon Request
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As it is critical to the client to have confidence in our abilities Clinical Science Products, Inc. operates with its commitment to service, quality, and performance with regard to its TMB Substrate product line. The substrate products themselves are supplied as a single bottle liquid solution at a working dilution ready to use as is and stored at a recommended 2C to 8C.
With this in mind Clinical Science Products, Inc. is proud to provide the added service opportunity to clients to take advantage of our manufacturing, dispensing, and bottling of our substrates in order to meet the specific requirements and guidelines of the individual client. Additionally, the client can also reserve substrate production lots.
This can be an advantage to the client in many ways. Advantages in the form of, (a) price savings ordering in bulk, (b) no storage demand at client's facility until needed, (c) partial or full release of bottled substrate to client's facility when requested, (d) evaluation sample of substrate lot to be reserved available to client to check lot-to-lot consistency - free of charge.
With these types of sevices mentioned, the client only has to make a request in writing via a fax or email detailing requirements, guidlelines, and specifications for the customized substrate.
Standing behind our substrate product line, we welcome the opportunity to discuss and work with the client on there specific substrate requirements.
Send your substrate requirements via fax (508-339-0819) or email as we are here ready to assist in your needs.